Tag Archives: PHP

Dynamic IP workaround

Let’s say, hypothetically, that you’re trying to setup something for you and your friends to use. An FTP server, Minecraft server, demo website, whatever. Plus you have already have a simple little website hosted elsewhere with a cPanel and PHP/MySQL for your WordPress blog or something.

And let’s also say you have an ISP, called PictureyThink or MillenniumConnect or DecadeJoin or whatever, that will only give you a static IP for an extra monthly fee. But you’re already pretty upset with them because…

  1. They practically doubled your monthly bill despite their website saying things like “Price for life”, “No contract”, “No rate hike”, and “Keep your rate as long as you keep your plan” all over it.
  2. Your ISP is involved in several class-action lawsuits over the exact behavior above. So it definitely isn’t a one-off error on their part.
  3. You called them about it and they promised they’d resolve it and that your bill would be back to normal but it’s still nearly double the advertised rate months later.
  4. They advertised and sold you “1 Gig (1000 Mbps)” service, but your speeds are rarely over 30 Mbps, or just 3% of the advertised speed. And you’ve never seen speeds over 200 Mbps. (Yes, even when you connected your computer directly to the modem.)

In such a scenario you may feel justified in side-stepping their extra fee for a static IP, as at this point you’ve effectively paid that monthly fee for years to come.

Here’s how you might do just that.

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